Abb. 1: Dokument aus der Literaturdatenbank INSPEC

 Doc Type:     Journal Paper
 Title:        Images database management system: a 'server-client
               producer' system on a local network and on the Internet
 Authors:      Ageron, P.; Besson, F.; Desfarges, P.
 Affiliation:  Univ. Lumiere, Lyon, France
 Journal:      Computer Networks and ISDN Systems
               Vol: 26  Iss: suppl., no.2-3  p. S101-6
               Date: 1994
               Country of Publication: Netherlands
               ISSN: 0169-7552  CODEN: CNISE9
               CCC: 0169-7552/94/$07.00
 Language:     English
 Treatment:    Practical
 Abstract:     Lumiere University offers a full range of arts and social
   sciences. The research resources are very large and are specialized
   in politics, economics, finance, arts and archeology. As soon as the
   first network services were available, researchers tried to find
   information on the network about digitised photo management and
   everything about multimedia communication. The 'Images Database
   Management System' program tries to manage all information about
   digitised images: to give somebody access to, to modify and work on
   images and to export images into other information retrieval systems.
   This application program is based on a special definition of an
   'entity'. This is a physical entity (Photo CD) or a folder or
   directory. It may also be a book, if images are reproduced from a
   document. These entities are named CDphoto, folder or book while
   Network like WAIS, WWW, or GOPHER and hope to place this tool at the
   Internet's users' disposal. (0 Refs.)
 Classification: C6160S (Spatial and pictorial databases); C6130M
   (Multimedia); C5620L (Local area networks); C6150N (Distributed
   systems software); C5620W (Other computer networks)
 Thesaurus: Client-server systems; File servers; Internet; Local area
   networks; Multimedia communication; Multimedia computing; Visual
 Free Terms: Images database management system; Server-client producer
   system; Local network; Internet; Digitised photo management;
   Multimedia communication; Information retrieval systems; Photo CD;
   Text information; SUN servers; OS Macintosh; HyperCard; JPEG Format;
   Communication protocol; Unix directories; GIF format


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